Food Cravings And The Different Eating Disorders

Submitted by: Foodio Cravings

The food is truly an inherent as well as a very significant part in our lives. Though it may not be the principal requirement for sustaining life, food is definitely a highly vital requirement for maintaining life. We obtain our energy from the food we eat.

Though all of us eat food, the goal of eating food differs a lot amongst us. The majority of the population eats food to fill their tummies and to satisfy their hunger pangs. Such people eat just to live, but there are few people who live to eat. They eat even if not hungry and even if they do not demand any nourishment. They merely are at the mercy of their taste buds and wish to eat food simply because it tastes good or are their favorite foods. Only few of the people eat foods which are concording to the body’s needs. Food is required by the body only in restricted and proportionate amounts. Diet should be nutritious and balanced in order to provide beneficial effects to the body.

When can we say that your food craving is already a disorder? Well, any kind of exercise which is already uncontrollable or unlimited is harmful and can be debatable. When food is abused as a tool to deal with problems other than hunger, it starts to slowly shape up in to an Eating disorder. People with eating disorders can desire for [articular foods like chocolates, cakes, ice-creams or any of their favorite food to comfort them when they experience some emotional turmoil.


Eating disorders are not just rooted from a single cause.There are variety of factors such as psychological causes, stress, issues with self-esteem, inability to cope with pressure, worry, emotional shock, chronic illness, sexual or emotional abuse etc; all of these can deal to eating disorder’s development.

The disorder can be usually seeable between 12 nd 25 years old which is more common in women.There is no particular predilection for any race, culture or ethnicity. There are many eating disorders but the Anorexia nervosa and the Bulimia are the most general which occur to them.

Anorexia nervosa, a type of an eating disorder in which the person who is affected develops phobia of eating too much food.They feel that they are grossly overweight as well as they already eat too much food which aggravate their weight issues.Because of this phobia, they cannot eat right meals and may even induced force vomiting just to have an empty stomach.Prolonged abstinence from adequate food progressively leads to extreme loss of weight, anemia, hormonal imbalance, loss of bone mass and osteoporosis etc.

Bulimia nervosa is another kind of eating disorder where the person has a tendency to indulge in repeated episodes of binge eating.Binges usually coexist with the mood swings, emotional upheavals, mental upsets etc.The patient cannot control the desire to binge and can eat huge quantities of food during the binge episodes.At last when the episode ended, the patient can feel guilty resulting to trybring forth vomiting. Such alternate binging and vomiting can bring on many problems like dryness of skin and mouth, bad breath, great variations in the body weight, constipation, and lack of desire for sex, hormonal imbalances and development of cardiovascular and other disorders of internal organs.

Finally, food craving as well as the eating disorders are a major health issue and they require professional help to overcome them.

Daniel Miller populates in the UK and is a nutritionist and a consultant in natural health.He is a very healthy 60 year old and dwells by the sea with his wife and very big dog.

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About the Author: Daniel Miller lives in the UK and is a nutritionist and a consultant in natural health. He is a very healthy 60 year old and lives by the sea with his wife and very big dog.


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